Marine Lance Cpl. Scott E. Dougherty: Died July 6, 2004 serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom

I want to thank all that served before,and all that will protect our country in the future....

 Especially those that gave their lives. 
My hero- Marine Lance Cpl. Scott E. Dougherty

Died July 6, 2004 serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom

My nephew, Scott Dougherty, 20 of Bradenton, Fl. was killed July 6,2004, when his Humvee struck a tank mine in Anbar province, Iraq. His Humvee ran over a tank mine, flipped over a ravine and exploded. He was a proud Marine in the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

He was fun loving kid with a great sense of humor. He always knew how to make everybody smile. He wasn’t a big guy but he made up for with physical training & a great attitude. He joined ROTC in high school and enlisted in the Marines in 2002 after graduating.

He was just two days out of combat training when he was deployed to Iraq for five months. He was three months into his second tour when he died. He died doing what he loved, proud of what he was doing.

Scotty, We love you & miss you. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice.

 Love, Aunt Karen & Uncle Bruce


Griffin said…
Thank you Scott & Scott's family. You gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and security. May God bless you. He will not be forgotten.

- Griffin Dalrymple -
Bayshore High School, Class 02'
Griffin said…
Thank you Scott and Scott's family. You gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and security. May God bless you. He will not be forgotten.

- Griffin Dalrymple -
Bayshore High School, Class 02'
MBM said…
Scotty was the first person I met at Bayshore my freshman year.. He was senior. I was roaming the campus, lost, and he passed me 3 times before finally stopping to ask if I needed help. From that day on he was one of my best friends and I miss him dearly..
Amanda Rankin said…
My husband, Peter Rankin, was in the Marine Corps with Scott, and thinks of him, and the others everyday. He has told me that Scott's passing, hits him the hardest. He says nothing, but great things about him. That he was an awesome kid, little, but strong and brave. A good,courageos clean, amazing man. He will never be forgotten, and his family will always be in our prayers.
Unknown said…
Thank you Amanda for telling us this.....He is missed by many and the world lost a great man.
jodu said…
He was my best friend. I was with him that day. I miss him and the rest of the guys so much. God bless him.

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